Month: September 2018

Car Safety Tips for Pregnant Women

September 26, 2018 | Car Accidents

Pregnancy can bring anticipation, excitement, and new experiences. While your baby is well-protected within your uterus, certain everyday activities—like driving or riding in a car—can expose both you and your unborn child to serious injuries. In fact, even a relatively minor accident could result in fetal injuries that can result in long-term complications and even… read more

Garbage Truck Accidents in Residential Neighborhoods

September 19, 2018 | truck accident

If you live in a residential neighborhood in Indianapolis, you undoubtedly have seen garbage trucks making their weekly rounds to pick up trash in curbside trashcans and dumpsters. These vehicles provide an essential service that allows for us to live in densely populated areas but also expose everyone around them to a significant risk of… read more

Pregnant Women Hit by Drunk Drivers

September 12, 2018 | Car Accidents

When you are pregnant, you will likely learn about all the precautions you should take to keep your baby safe from harm or complications. However, if you ever drive or ride in a car, there is not always a lot you can do to mitigate the risks of another driver crashing into you. This is… read more

Facial Injuries and Disfigurement to Motorcyclists

September 5, 2018 | Motorcycle Accidents

The Indiana University Public Policy Institute reports that motorcycle accidents resulted in 2,505 injuries during 2016. When motorcyclists are involved in accidents, they can often be thrown off of their bikes, onto the ground, or into other vehicles, potentially resulting in disfiguring injuries to the face or other parts of the body. Thankfully for victims,… read more