Memory Loss After an Indianapolis Auto Accident

August 15, 2017 | Brain and Spinal Injury



A traumatic brain injury can occur when the head is stricken, suddenly jerked, or penetrated by a foreign object. The injury can be in the range of mild to severe. During a mild TBI, the loss of full conscious awareness will persist for a short amount of time. When a severe brain injury is inflicted there will be memory loss or extended unconsciousness for a prolonged period of time after the injury was inflicted. 

Memory Loss and Auto Accidents

One of the most frequently stated complaints from survivors of a brain injury is reduced memory capacity. Statistics suggest that 70% of TBI survivors continue to experience memory problems 1-year post injury. Although the degree and nature of memory impairments vary in each situation, there are common patterns. Types of memory loss include:

Immediate Memory (also known as working memory). This type of memory involves the processing of sensory information via the five senses. It also includes the ability to remember a small piece of information for a short period of time (for example, memorizing an address long enough to type it into a GPS device).

Short-term Memory. This type of memory allows us to process and remember information for hours or days at a time (ex. Remembering an appointment you have later in the week).

Long-term Memory. This type can be broken down into several sub- types, such as: episodic memory (remembering life events, such as birthdays), semantic memory (remembering facts), procedural memory (remembering how to perform tasks like riding a bike), prospective memory (remembering to do something later).

The type of memory impacted depends on the unique head injury. The brain is an incredibly complex structure, and each injury is different. Sometimes a person will lose their immediate memory for a time after an accident while another person may lose their ability to remember past life event

Contact an Indianapolis Auto Accident Attorney

If you or someone you love was injured in an auto accident and suffered memory loss it is important to speak to an experienced Indianapolis brain injury lawyer and auto accident attorney. Attorney Merry Fountain can help you today by meeting in her office or by meeting in your home. Call Merry Fountain anytime at 1-888-242-HURT (4878) for a free