Slips and Falls in Shopping Malls: FAQ

December 29, 2017 | Slip and Fall Accidents


Thousands of people visit shopping malls throughout the Indianapolis area every day. While most of these trips are legally uneventful, slip and fall accidents injure a substantial number of people in malls each year. Here are some answers to questions people often ask about shopping mall slip and fall accidents. For more information, call our office today or contact us online.

What Hazards Cause Mall Slip and Fall Accidents?

Malls can put shoppers at risk of slip and fall accidents at every turn. Some of the more common slip and fall hazards found in malls include wet floors, cracked pavement, accumulations of snow or ice, exposed electrical wiring, missing handrails, uneven stairs, torn carpet, and inadequate lighting.

Who Can Face Liability for a Slip and Fall Accident in a Mall?

In any slip and fall accident caused by an unreasonably dangerous condition, liability will go to the person or party who had a duty to maintain the premises. So, if your slip and fall accident took place in a store, you could potentially hold the owner of that store liable. If, on the other hand, it took place in a common area, the owner of the mall or a management company may face responsibility. In some instances, you may hold multiple parties liable for a slip and fall accident in a mall. In many mall accident cases, identifying the responsible party requires undertaking an extremely complicated process, so retain an experienced attorney as soon as you can after sustaining an injury in an accident.

How Much Is My Case Worth?

Many people wonder how much compensation they will recover for their slip and fall cases. The amount victims recover can vary greatly based on the severity of their injuries, their occupations, their prognoses, and whether they were partially responsible for the accident.

How Much Will Legal Representation Cost Me?

At the Fountain Law Firm, P.C., we enter into a contingent fee agreement with all of our personal injury clients. This means that any fee we collect will come at the end of our case as an agreed-upon percentage of your settlement or award. If we do not obtain compensation on your behalf, you owe nothing. In addition, because we offer completely free, no-obligation case evaluations, you can retain legal representation for your injury case with no up-front costs at all.

Call Us Today to Speak With an Indianapolis Slip and Fall Attorney Today

At the Fountain Law Firm, P.C., we have successfully helped many slip and fall accident victims obtain the compensation they deserve for their injuries and related losses. To make sure that you receive all of the compensation to which Indiana law entitles you, hire an experienced slip and fall accident attorney to handle your case. Attorney Merry Fountain can help you today by meeting in her office or by in your home. Call Merry Fountain anytime at (888) 242-HURT (4878) or write her through her online contact form for a free consultation.