Month: November 2017

How Distracted Drivers Hurt Drivers and Pedestrians

November 10, 2017 | Pedestrian Accidents

One of the most significant dangers of the road—one that continues to garner more attention—is distracted driving. Distracted drivers endanger everyone on the road, but walkers and bikers are especially vulnerable to catastrophic injuries when distracted drivers get behind the wheel. And cell phone use while driving constitutes one of the worst distractions, one that… read more

Should You Go To the Emergency Room After an Indiana Car Accident?

November 8, 2017 | Car Accidents

If you’ve been in a car accident, you’re no doubt overwhelmed. Many people report feeling disoriented, confused, and even in shock after such harrowing events. In other words, you’re probably not making your best decisions in the hours and days immediately following a serious wreck. If you’ve been in a collision that leaves you feeling… read more

Even the Safest Drivers Can Get Hit by Truckers

November 6, 2017 | truck accident

It’s a fact of modern driving that we share the road with massive semi-trucks, and these semis are not only many times heavier than the vehicles we drive, but are also far more unwieldy. Semis are dangerous, and when they’re involved in accidents, those accidents are some of the deadliest on our roads. Even the… read more

Was Your Child Injured on a Bicycle?

November 3, 2017 | Bicycle Accidents

Riding bikes has been a favorite activity of children for generations. Riding a bicycle keeps children active and allows them to enjoy the outdoors, especially when they are on break from school in the summer. However, seeing your child ride off on a bike can also be stressful because of the risks of injury that… read more

Bike Helmet Safety: Preventing Brain Injuries

November 1, 2017 | Brain and Spinal Injury

Bicyclists are obviously extremely vulnerable when they take to the open road. They’re balanced on two wheels—with no visible means of protection—on streets they share with motorized vehicles many, many times their size and weight and that typically move much faster. Recreational bike trails are popular in Indiana and often cross busy roads. As more… read more